Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas and A Prosperous, Healthy New Year For Us All

It's been a wonderful year and I want to acknowledge Art Sales and Rental Society (ASARS), Halifax, Jo Beale Gallery, Peggy's Cove, Shaw's Landing, West Dover, The Black Duck Gallery, Lunenburg, The Trellis Cafe, Hubbards, Art and Jules, Halifax and Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS). Your support and promotion of Nova Scotian Artists is commendable. I am always in your debt. Thank you.

This year I've been in several shows, met so many amazing artists and even saw two of my works find their way to New York City. What I love about painting is that I get to be me all the time. Hokey? Maybe? But it's so true and anyone doing something they live and love would agree. The other plus is that I get to visit Art Galleries and call it work. I love my job. (Okay, I shouldn't mislead with the idea that painting is footing all the bills), boarding dogs pays me AND gives me inspiration (and commissions).

I've just finished the last commissions and gifts (I can't wait for people to see their paintings) and I'm really excited to meet 2011. I have some 'irons in the fire' and hope the Universe continues to be in my favour. I'm doing a lot of collage and expect to build a good body of this work in the coming year. I'm taking valued advise from one of my favourite Canadian Artists, Brian Atyeo.

This new body of work has allowed me to discover a sense of fun that had not yet been present in my work. It's unlike the way I've worked in the past. I spend many days painting the collage paper and planning compositions. I'm enjoying the playfulness and the vibrant colours. The process of paper selection, cutting and fitting takes a great deal of time so a completed piece takes far longer than I'm used to. Perhaps it's the Universe' way of telling me I have lots of time. It's getting me to buckle down and commit to this new journey, to slow down and enjoy the ride...

I still make an effort to paint traditionally so I don't forget how to

I want to wish everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday celebration with much success, prosperity and good health for us all in the New Year.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Off The Beaten Path was a Success

Wow...Thank you to the almost 90 people who made the trip in to my Art Show and Sale! Given the mile long gravel road and two ass-kickin' hills, itt was a huge ask to draw a crowd back here but it was a great success. I am so thankful to my friends and supporters and also to my family for all their help. And, I do know that the 'off-grid' feature along with a herd of majestic Highland Cattle helped entice you in, not to mention it happened to fall on the loveliest November Weekend ever but you came....and I am grateful.

I'm working hard on a collage series. It's exciting creating this body of work and the feedback I'm getting so far is extremely encouraging. One of the first collage pieces I "put out there" to test the waters was sold very quickly (Thanks to Art Sales and Rental!) I'm so pleased to say that "Sunday Lunch" is somewhere in New York City! I have two new collage pieces presently available at ASARS. So back to work!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Off The Beaten Path

Every one is welcome to an Open House- Off The Beaten Path-Paintings by Andrea Redmond held on Nov.13th and 14th.

I’m having a weekend show and sale of my work as an acrylic and mixed media artist with over 100 paintings on display. My home/studio in Glen Margaret will be open 12-6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13th and 11-4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 14th.

For the past five years, my husband, Shawn, and I have lived off-grid using wind and solar energy, on a small hobby farm that Shawn continues to artfully carve out of our woodland acres. The change in our lifestyle has granted me more time to paint and has helped develop my sense of creativity and awareness. My sky is larger here and so now is my sense of space, depth and openness.

Be prepared for a true mile dirt road. If you prefer not to drive all the way in we’ll provide shuttle service from a designated parking area on Shadar Drive. We’re at Wind Serf Farm and Studio Gallery, 29 Shadar Drive, Glen Margaret. Call for more info (902) 222-3078 or e-mail me at

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A busy spring of Art Shows

It's proving to be a very busy spring 2010...

March 28-April 25th I'm in a joint show with fellow artist, Carol Ann McNeil...Our show is called "Nature's Wonders"and it's being held at the Trellis Cafe in Hubbards, N.S. The Opening reception is Sunday March 28th, 3-5 p.m. Every one is welcome.

On April 1st, I'll be in a group show held at the Moorings Gallery in Mahone Bay for the month

and May 2nd-June 4th I'm having a solo show, "T'il The Cows Come Home" a cheeky take on cows and a reminder to support our local farms. It began as a desire to paint black cows using very little black paint and it grew into a series of portraits, pastures and more. Show is at the Black Duck Gallery, 8 Pelham St., Lunenburg, N.S. OPENING RECEPTION is Sunday May 2nd, 2-4 p.m. Every one welcome....

And still more to come (I've been productive over the winter)